Hey Everbody, First time writing you guys and I'm so pumped. I've had a weird pday because I had to go and watch Elder Scott's funeral, but it was really good. (even though I fell asleep for a small part of it). Anyway... the MTC is a great experience. Being up for 16 hours a day is the worst, but I've never felt the spirit so strong in my life. It's super weird doing role play and stuff, but i feel like a much better missionary because of all the practice. I cant believe I've been here for the longest/shortest five days of my life. The MTC is like a weird time warp. Nobody knows if stuff happened earlier that day or weeks ago. I'm glad I'm only in here for 12 days because I'm ready to teach some real people. Anyway I figured its never too soon to get preachy so you all can laugh about how much I've changed. Quote/ spiritual message of the day, "No unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing. Persecutions may rage, mobs may combine, armies may assemble, calumny may defame, but the truth of god will go forth boldly, nobly,and independent, till it has penetrated every continent, visited every climb, swept every country, and sounded in every ear, til the purposes of God shall be accomplished and the Great Jehovah shall say the work is done"-Joseph smith. That could not be more true. No matter what people do they cannot stop the work of the Lord and the missionary force until the work is done. I cant wait to get out there and change people's lives for the better. The MTC is a challenging experience for sure, but whatever I can do to prepare to help the people of Portland, I will do it. also, I'm learning the language really well. English is like second nature to me. I'm working on a hand written letter, but I haven't had time to do it yet. I also went to the temple this morning and it was pretty swell. My district and I are really bonding. One of the sisters in my district I swear is a young Aunt Kakala. its super weird. The sisters and elders in my district are super nice by the way. The sisters are way more spiritual and prepared than the elders, so they keep us in check. Gotta watch out for those sisters. "no high fives" "lock your hearts""don't flirt if you even know how""stay with your companion". My heart is so locked. Also it's really an adjustment to call everyone elder or sister. You aren't allowed to say "guys" or "girls" kinda strange. For anyone reading this my email is jared.garfield@myldsmail.net in case you cant tell from this. Anyone who wants to write me go ahead. I'll respond if I have time. I'd like to finish up by saying that a mission is gonna be the best experience ever so I highly recommend it. "Nobody's perfect"-Hannah Montana, but I know that we can become great through Christ's Atonement. Keep working at it and be better than you were yesterday!
Love and miss you all,
Elder Garfield
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